Shannon Sexton Founder & Director

I grew up with my ear glued to the radio and my tower of cassettes. Pink Floyd were especially close to my heart and I’d often make my friends lay silently in the dark and listen to their extended, psychedelic compositions. Sorry, guys.

I really wanted to get into music myself but couldn’t find the courage on my own. Dealing with CPTSD and (at the time), undiagnosed ADHD, made it all seem so overwhelming, so I resigned myself to watching my male friends jam, and gave up on pursuing music completely. 

When I was in my early 30s, I gave it another try. I took singing lessons, sang at a few open mics, and briefly joined an acoustic trio, but I would feel so physically sick at the idea of performing that I had to stop.

In launching FEMINAL, I want to help other women who've lacked encouragement and support, felt excluded from the male-dominated music scene, and who've suffered from a simple lack of opportunity. 

Aside from working on FEMINAL, I'm a photographer, writer and video producer, and I live in Melbourne’s inner west with my daughter and a cat called Kenny. My fave city is New York, preferred season is autumn, bar order is a whiskey and dry, and I love lipstick, vintage styling, stiletto boots, faux fur and rock’n’roll.

Gabriella Dana aka Gabz Creative Director

I can’t exist without music. Although I grew up around music, I’ve had crippling anxiety for most of my life when it came to performing.

So I watched my brothers’ bands play instead, tried to manage two bands when I was 16, (don't ask), volunteered for The Push in the 90s, helped put a music festival together, and tried out different band workshops that offered no post-workshop support.

Like most women, I’ve faced many barriers throughout my life. I’ve taken on multiple carer roles for dementia and cancer-stricken family members, dealt with my own mental and physical health issues, and worked at multiple glass ceiling jobs. All of this left me feeling too tired, too busy and too fed up with the gargantuan task of trying to get into the scene publicly. It all seemed too hard.

I always thought that I’d get into music when I had enough time and money, but that day never came.

And then I saw FEMINAL MUSIC pop up on Instagram. When I saw that Shannon was looking to start workshops for women over 40, I introduced myself and jumped at the chance to help. They immediately adopted me into the team and I’m very grateful and excited for what’s to come!

Fiona Lee Maynard Bass Instructor

Singer, songwriter, composer, recording artist and multi-instrumentalist Fiona Lee Maynard has a special place in Melbourne’s music scene, performing solo and with various bands around town over many years. 

Her most recent focus has been alt-country outfit Dalicados, and she can also be seen occasionally performing with Jack Howard on projects such as Epic Brass, and as part of The Oz Transplants, a Melbourne band comprised solely of organ donors and recipients.

In January 2024, Fiona released a new solo album titled Junction. It’s a return to Fiona’s protest era folk roots, the music she grew up with.

Fiona also teaches guitar, bass, singing, drama and performance techniques in private practice, corporate and classroom settings.

According to music critic Jeff Jenkins, Fiona “is one of Melbourne’s greatest rock chicks!”